Healthy Bare Feet
Personal Foot Care
During an evaluation we'll look into what is hurting and what muscles are involved. You'll get a better understanding of what is going on with your feet and a plan going forward of how to recover and preventative steps to keep you feeling good.
50 minutes $150
Gait Analysis
During a gait analysis we'll look at the details of your feet and your walking or running mechanics. You'll receive a path for recovery plus drills to help you make positive adjustments in your mechanics to help prevent future discomforts and keep you active.
50 minutes $150
Custom Insoles/Orthotics
Includes- Pedorthic foot evaluation, Biomechanical evaluation, Foot mapping, Including one pair of custom orthotics
50 minutes $375
Kinesio Taping
Evaluation of current concerns, Proper application of Kinesio Tape, Instruction for at home application
30 minutes $75
Must already have orthotics on file. Discussion of changes since last orthotics were designed, Foot mapping, Includes one pair of custom orthotics
30 minutes $275
Follow Up Appointment
Evaluation of findings and changes, Modification of Treatment/Action Plan
When booking you can choose 25 min or 50 min depending on the time you need.